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Tavern at the Wright

Beer  •  Wine    Mixed Drinks    Specialty Cocktails    Snacks

Elegant and affordable in a historic setting

See a lineup of Tavern events

Enjoy these Tavern Events

Music Bingo

April 18, 7 pm
Listen while we play a snippet of a song and if you see the title on your music bingo card, mark it off. You know the rest!

Trivia Night

April 26, 7 pm
Bring your friends, drink, and THINK at The Tavern at The Wright, hosted by Amy Exstrum!

Murder at the Library

May 9, 7 pm
**A fundraiser for the Ouray Public Library!** Murder at the Library - Romance writer Lady Cattersley has been snuffed out at Cattersley Manor, but whodunit? There's a body in the library, a secret passageway in the bookcase, and maybe even a ghost in the parlour... Suitable for ages 14+