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Partner organizations are NPO's in our sector that have gone through training and demonstrated responsibility in using the Wright and in coordinating with other organizations. Partners benefit from free or reduced rates, and full acess to the facility.

All requirements and prices are subject to change without notice.
Summary Arts related organizations that are aligned with our mission of promoting arts and restoring the Wright.
Access Full
Facility Rental Free or reduced
Licensing Renting organization responsible
Deposit Waived
Sponsor Eligible Yes
Equipment Rental $25 sound, $25 AV, tables, chairs, tables, etc. included Piano $25. Tuning not included.
Off hour use of facility Yes
Set-up & cleaning: The Wright will provide the desired number of chairs, tables, etc. in advance and will present a clean facility. Non-standard set up and cleaning based on hourly rate or provided by organization. Linen cleaning $5 each.
Technical services: Includes use electronic equipment. Technicians are provided or approved by the Wright Opera House. Based on hourly rate or provided by organization (prior approval by Wright required)
Concessions services: The Wright will provide concessions and bartending staff. NPO volunteers may be approved at the discretion of the Wright. Based on hourly rate or provided by organization (Volunteer bartenders must be known and approved in advance at the sole discretion of the Wright)
Production services: Includes services that facilitate the event, such as researching and scheduling caterers, bands, etc. Based on hourly rate or provided by organization
Ticketing services: The Wright can provide ticket management services. Based on hourly rate or provided by organization. Includes door sales and online ticketing services. (Payment processing fees outside of the Wright’s still apply)
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