October 25, 2022
Welcome Brooke Easley!

The Wright Opera House is thrilled to announce that Brooke Easley has been named as Executive Director for the Friends of the Wright Opera House!
Easley will continue the Wright’s mission to restore and preserve our incredible building while providing a quality venue for the arts, education, and social events. Her primary focus will be financial development and community relationships.
Easley comes from a deep background in teaching and volunteer work. For years, Easley contributed to the development of Parent Teacher Organizations at Krause Elementary in Brenham, TX, and Amarillo School in Amarillo, TX, among many others. Prior to that, she taught AP High School biology in Waller, TX. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Entomology from Texas A&M University.
“We feel that Brooke’s skillset as a community leader and achiever will translate perfectly into her work in the economic development of The Wright Opera House. There are no bounds to what she can accomplish!” Says Wright Opera House Board President Kate Jones.
Easley is a Ridgway, CO native. In 2004, she married her husband Kyle here in Ouray, his hometown. Together they moved to Texas for a number of years before returning to Ouray in 2021, now raising their daughter and son in the same beloved community where they were both raised. When the opportunity came for her to get involved in the Wright, she jumped.
Says Easley, “The Wright holds a special place for me. As a child growing up in the area we would come to numerous events and movies, such as C.W. McCall’s San Juan Odyssey. I even attended prom here in high school with my now husband! When living in Texas and visiting family in Ouray, we would always stop in for events and bring our kids to experience the magic of the Wright. I am honored to have the opportunity to carry on the legacy of the Wright Opera House as a thriving cultural center in our community for all to enjoy.”
Easley also coaches volleyball for Ouray Middle School.
Stop by and say hello to Brooke next time you attend an event or are passing by the Wright. We can’t wait for you to meet her!
The Friends of the Wright Opera House
Board of Directors
A Note from the Executive Director
A Note from the Executive Director It’s been two very busy months at the Wright Opera House with lots of great changes. Since joining the Wright I’ve gotten to meet a number of you at events, on the phone or people just stopping in to say “Hello.” I’m surprised and delighted by the number of tours we give. I enjoy adding to my knowledge of the Wright, as some of our donors and visitors have family that lived in the area when the Wright was first established and a major community hub. They are excited to see it restored and a gathering place once again. If you haven’t stopped in to see our ongoing art shows, please make time, they make the view from our office amazing. We have had many performances in the last couple of months. It’s been a pleasure to meet the different theater troupes and musicians and watch their incredible shows. Of course, we have been busy in the Tavern as well, Trivia Nights, Ikebana classes and my personal favorite, Music Bingo, have been some summer highlights. Keep an eye out for upcoming changes, as we introduce memberships and a variety of different ways that you can support our work here at the Wright Opera House.
Sincerely, Brooke Easley
Meet our new Board Members!

Mia Wentworth has lived in the Ouray area with her husband (Brendan) and fur baby (Duncan) since 2020. Mia loves all that the San Juan Mountains have to offer; hiking, biking, skiing, climbing and paddling. While they originally moved here for the outdoor activities, they have been especially grateful for all of the cultural offerings, especially those that take place at the Wright.
Mia was born a Yooper, originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She moved to Colorado in 2010 and graduated with an MBA from the University of Colorado in 2012. Mia’s professional career has been primarily in the property management field as both an operations and marketing director for multifamily housing.
“I think it is so wonderful that our small mountain town has a place like the Wright to offer cultural events. I’m excited to be a part of it and give back to the community I love,” says Mia.

Russell McCrady, a lifelong Texan, first visited this area in 2014 and immediately knew it was where he wanted to retire. In 2019, he moved part-time with Carol and their two dogs Decker and Albie to Ouray County, making it their full-time home in 2021. A graduate of Tarleton State University, Russell just completed a 30 year career at Southwest Airlines, finishing in the role of Vice President of Labor Relations. He and Carol value their new community and look forward to becoming more involved through numerous volunteer opportunities. Says Russell, “I’m very pleased to join the Board and I look forward to contributing to the advancement of The Wright and all the wonderful things it brings to our community.”